Hi, welcome to our web site.

If you have a song you would like published on our site, for which you can undertake to guarantee you are the lyricist and composer, please drop us a line.  

And if you can provide us any feedback - words you liked, reactions to a performance, improvements we can make - then please let us know using the form below.


The Praise and Worship Music Team

About Us

John Waddell (left) and Andrew Davis (right) spent their teenage years together and attended the local Methodist Church in suburban Melbourne, Australia. They were also members of a band performing cover versions of the hits of the day. 

It was during that time they first collaborated in song writing.  They eventually went their own ways and lost contact for several decades, meeting up again through mutual cousins.  From there it was decided to make further attempts at song writing but this time music of the Praise and Worship genre. The songs available to you here are the result of our ongoing commitment in those endeavors.

May God be honoured and glorified by these songs.

John Waddell, lyricist and Andrew Davis, composer.

Contact The Praise and Worship Team


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